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& Backend


based in Ahmedabad, India.

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About Me

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Hi, I'm Mayur Karetha

I'm a designer & developer with a passion for web Development. I enjoy developing simple, clean and slick websites, web applications & mobile application using a wide range of Frontend & Backend skills that provide real value to the end user. Delivering work within time and budget which meets client’s requirements is my moto.


Mayur Karetha

Date of birth:

21th of May


Gujarat, India.

What I Do?

How I can help your next project


A summary of My Resume

My Education

Bachelor Degree

Rashtriya Raksha University / 2019 - 2023

During this four-year journey, I delved into a comprehensive academic curriculum that provided me with a strong foundation in my chosen field of study. The university's nurturing environment and dedicated faculty fostered both my intellectual growth and personal development.

Matriculation (12th)

Delta school, Dhrol / 2017 - 2019

These foundational years marked the beginning of my formal education journey, and the school provided me with a solid platform for academic growth. The dedicated educators and the supportive atmosphere of the school aided in fostering my initial interest in learning and building a strong educational base.

My Experience

Web Developer Intern

BharatTech / NOV 2023 - DEC 2023

• Developed Full Stack ecommerce web application and their inventory dashboard using MERN.
• Developed scalable and top-notch web components using ReactJs library showcasing my proficiency, resulting in overall 30% improvement in application efficiency in a startup environment.

Stack Used : React.js, Redux, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js

Open-source Contribution

CodeForGovTech / JUL 2023

• Contributed to the Web-app project of CodeForGovTech, collaborating with developers to deliver a user-friendly and efficient application. Ranked 2nd in contribution leaderboard.
• Maximized applications’ efficiency, Cross Browser Compatibility, data quality, scope, operability, and flexibility.

Stack Used : ReactJs, NextJs, TailwindCSS

My Skills

React 85%


JavaScript 90%

React Material UI 85%

Socket.Io 75%

Node Js 80%

Express 80%

Mongo DB (noSQL) 80%

TailwindCSS 90%

Firebase 70%

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Have any questions?

I'm a software developer with a passion for web Development. I enjoy developing simple, clean and slick websites , web applications & native applications using a wide range of Frontend & Backend skills that provide real value to the end user.

As companies continue to migrate their products and services online, digital transformation consulting can speed your digital evolution. From mid-office systems to front-end systems, we look at your entire business model to unlock efficiencies, business opportunities, and areas to innovate and grow.

Responsive websites display differently to accommodate various screen sizes, reflowing to fit nicely onto your tablet or mobile phone. Unresponsive sites display on other screen sizes, but they do not adjust at the code-level for those screen sizes

Mobile app development is rapidly growing. From retail, telecommunications and e-commerce to insurance, healthcare and government, organizations across industries must meet user expectations for real-time, convenient ways to conduct transactions and access information. Today, mobile devices—and the mobile applications that unlock their value—are the most popular way for people and businesses to connect to the internet.

Let's get in touch

I enjoy discussing new projects and design challenges. Please share as much info, as possible so we can get the most out of our first catch-up.

Living In:

Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat.


(+91) 9327041704



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